July 27, 2024

Baldur Gate 3 Patch 6

The fact that Baldur Gate 3 Patch 6 didn’t arrive on Valentine’s Day as everyone had hoped has left players in a state of confusion. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to give you a Valentine’s Day kiss. Its Players are confused as much-awaited patch 6 for Baldur Gate 3 did not release yesterday, Valentine’s Day.

The adorable new character kissing animations are the most notable addition to Baldur’s Gate 3 patch 6. For that reason, players believed Larian was releasing the new patch on Valentine’s Day, which would have made sense at that time.

Take a look at the tweet below. After amusing himself a little, Larian announced to someone that the Valentine’s Day surprise would no longer be maintained and that patch 6 would not be released. On that date, a lot of other people were eagerly anticipating the new patch on Twitter.

Baldur’s Gate 3:

Now that Valentine’s Day has passed and there has been no patch 6, players are sadly recalling that tweet. “The amount of snickering and snorting in the office today was off the charts,” reads a comment on the Baldur’s Gate 3. Larian has a social media manager. As demonstrated by the following comment: “Damn he’s on his Durge play-through right now.”

To be honest, though, everyone has been having a blast; there is a lot of anticipation for the next patch. And Larian is having a great time making fun of its fan base. I haven’t witnessed gamers get this excited about patches in a long time. Hey, we’re talking about romance and cuddling here.

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